Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Down 7 lbs.

Last night my husband commented that this was the best I had ever stuck to a diet. I told him that I wanted to show people how doable and easy it is. It really isn't awful at all. And I get to live off of granola bars if I want - one of my favorite things! My mom said she cried when she heard how diligent I was over Thanksgiving break. She's so proud of me! The meal replacements taste good and are filling. And I love to see the changes in my body! My brother said he's already noticing a difference.
One thing different that I'm doing this week as opposed to last week, is I've decided to switch from the 4 & 2 plan (buying 4 meals, making 2), and go to the 5 & 1 plan (buying 5, making 1). I found that I wasn't losing weight as quickly as I wanted, and that it was too easy to go over my calorie intake if I was making both breakfast and dinner. And so far this week I've already lost 2 lbs. In one day!  Down to 253. Loving it!
I also noticed something else last night - it's easier to play with my toddler. I hate to admit it, but sometimes when he sits on my stomach it hurts. I don't know if he's pushing on the organs that are already smooshed by excess fat, or what. But last night we were playing and he sat on my stomach and the pain was significantly decreased. I was so encouraged by that!
Also, my husband just sent me the sweetest text telling me how proud he is of me. And that I look happier and healthier. He's wonderful!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

A week and a half

I got back from Thanksgiving and weighed myself this morning. Down 4 lbs. Not as much as I wanted, but still great all things considered. It's harder when you're in someone else's house and on someone else's schedule. And travelling. And lack of sleep. And on and on. I'm interested to see how this week differs since I can be very strict.
This is the worst picture of me during the trip. I was asleep on my husband.

This is the best picture of me during the trip. I feel skinny even next to my twig-of-a-brother!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Day 2

I woke up with morning with a splitting headache. But I took some medicine, ate something, and it went away. I made some really good eggs this morning. I used some leftover pico de gallo from last night, added some mushrooms and a little low-fat sausage, and then whipped the eggs with the green salsa I made last night. So awesome! Now, 2 1/2 hours later I had the Medifast chocolate chip cookie bake. I cooked in the microwave and it turned out fine. The chewy chocolate chip bar I had yesterday I didn't particularly like. But the mint crunch bar was good! I think it may just be a texture thing. I ordered more crunch bars in different flavors and had them sent to my sister's house since the order won't arrive before we leave for Thanksgiving.
I was a little discouraged when I stepped on the scale this morning. 260.4 lbs. But my cousin said it will take a few days for my body to acclimate. She said Day 1 I shouldn't feel any different. Day 2-3 I'll feel hungry and maybe have headaches and be a little irritable as my body adjusts. Then Day 4-5 my body starts intense fat burn! Super excited about that part!
I also went to the gym yesterday for the first time in about a month. Since my workout buddy moved, it seems to be near impossible to get to the gym. But I did cardio for 20 minutes, then alternated focusing on my arms, abs and legs. I felt it a lot last night, and thought I would be super sore today. I'm actually doing fine. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I have bars!

So I guess technically today is the day I start the "program" from TSFL. I got my "fuelings" in the mail yesterday and tried the chocolate mint bar - pretty good. This morning I weighed in at 260.4 lbs. I made eggs with 3 different types of peppers and mushrooms for breakfast. It was pretty tasty. Two and a half hours later, I'm here eating a frosted chocolate chip bar - not as good, but fine. I'm headed to the gym in a little bit. Hopefully my workout is better today!
Here are some more "before" photos. I love working out, and am excited to be able to get to the point where I can work out without so much pain.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I've lost 3 lbs!

So it's only been a day and I've lost 3 lbs!!! I'm so excited and encouraged! To be fair, I felt ill yesterday and didn't eat much, so that could certainly contribute to it. Also, I actually don't get my TSFL order until today, so I was just following my own regimen. But still I'm so happy about it!
I also told my family I've signed up to be a health coach as well. They were all excited for me. Two of my sisters had questions about the program too. So I will be doing my research!
My husband has been wonderfully supportive. Last night he said, "If nothing comes of this other than you losing the weight you want, it will have been worth it in my mind." He's so great. And he loves food as much as I do, so this change in the way we eat is certainly effecting him.
Facebook reminded me of this picture taken 2 years ago:
My husband and I went with my brother and sister-in-law to this awesome BBQ place outside Houston. My brother wanted to capture the moment and of course we all complied and took big bites. I, however, look like a whale who just can't ever be without something in its mouth. Probably one of the most unflattering pictures of me ever. I think I threw that shirt away after this.
But, onward and upward. I'm going to get the weight off and keep it off!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Before" pictures

Ok this is it. I'm starting tomorrow. I had my husband take some "before" pictures for me.
Here are my stats:
weight: 269.8

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Planning to succeed

I spoke with my cousin/health coach this morning and we talked about Thanksgiving coming up and how to avoid overeating. She said something that I think has a lot of truth to it: make a plan beforehand what you're allowing yourself to eat, and stick to it. Well I come from a whole family of planners, so planning is something I can do.
But I figured I would take it even a step further: why not plan each meal until then too? I meal-plan with my husband on a regular basis before I go grocery shopping anyway, and I'm going shopping tomorrow. Here's my menu for my first week with TSFL:

braised short ribs with peppers and onions 192
chicken mole poblano 161
skirt steak and poblano tacos 84
chicken posole verde
lemon pepper fish
grilled drumsticks with sweet potatoes
taco salad

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Why I signed up with TSFL

Several years ago, I heard of some of my cousins and my aunt getting involved in health coaching. I was in college and fairly healthy and it sounded interesting to me, but I never asked anyone about it.
Then after I got married and had my son, I felt my weight spiraling out of control. So I contacted a cousin of mine (well, technically the wife of my cousin, but still) and she told me all about the program and how to get started. I felt daunted by the financial aspect of it.  I had quit my job to stay home with out newborn, my husband was going to school full time, which meant our only income came in the form of pell grants, scholarships, and my husband's 10-hour/week tutoring gig. Needless to say, we didn't have much room - any, really - in our budget for "special diet bars." I told myself that I could lose the weight on my own and tabled what my cousin had told me for another time.
Fast forward 3 years to now. My husband graduated and has a good job. I still stay home with our beautiful toddler and I'm still struggling with my weight. At worst, I was at 285 lbs. Trying different diets I managed to get down to 248 (over the course of the 3 years, I hit that ONCE, mind you) but always bounced back and forth. So I called my cousin again and said I was ready to take the plunge. It was hard to admit that I hadn't made much progress since we last discussed it, but I needed to face the truth that I couldn't (or lacked the willpower) to lose the weight on my own. When left to my own devices I was just too weak. 
After seeing this Halloween picture of me, I knew something had to be done

While realizing this, I kept thinking, "Surely these diet bars aren't good for me." But then I reminded myself, "What's even worse for me? Being overweight." Technically, according to the awful BMI (Body Mass Index) chart that doctors are so fond of, I am considered "morbidly obese" (268 lbs at only 5'6"). I don't feel morbidly obese. Some days I feel downright beautiful.
After chatting with my cousin over the course of 2 days, we agreed on the 4&2 plan - which means I cook 2 of my own meals, and purchase snacks for the other 4. The program is based on the truth that our bodies burn fat more efficiently if we are fueling them 6 times a day. I was a believer in this concept even before I signed up. So my cousin walked me through how to order my boxes of snacks and which were her favorites. It was super simple and we were done quickly. I was on my way to a healthier version of myself!
My goal is to eventually get back to this - 5 years ago (right before I met my husband), 170 lbs

That said,  tonight I made lasagna, garlic knots, a tiny salad, and finished off the meal with pecan cheesecake bars. Not exactly off to a great start...